The Big Picture:
Meet our friend Gil Zohar: An international artist who creates jewelry and sculptures that speak the language of ancient Egypt (Hey, Iris Apfel wears her pieces!)

Tel Aviv 32°04′11″N 34°46′05″E

Old-school physical books or digital?
There’s no substitute for a real good book. I love smelling the pages and feeling the type of paper in my hands. I treat every book as a work of art, so for me, it has to be physical and tangible.

Forget books, we know you’re into card reading
Since forever, I’ve been drawn to a world where things are said in a whisper and in secrecy. At age 16, I found a book about tarot at home and learned how to read cards from it. Quickly and naturally, I focused on the ancient Egyptian tarot.

What’s the secret to your library organization?
I love changing the order of the books all the time and then searching for the specific book I want and going through them all again. I’m in love with my book collection.

Do you have a recurring reading policy for books?
Yes, but only for professional books and art books, not novels.

What’s your favorite place at home to read in?
The sofa in the living room.

And outside of home?
By the seashore.

What’s currently starring in your playlist?
Adi Taieb, Nick Cave, Monolink

Gil Zohar on Instagram